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Marketinghandbuch Licensing: Brands und Lizenzthemen professionell vermarkten

Autor : Stefanie Brandt

ISBN : 9698302437259

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Marketinghandbuch Licensing: Brands und Lizenzthemen professionell vermarkten (German) Hardcover – May 16 2011

Marketinghandbuch Licensing : Brands und Lizenzthemen professionell vermarkten. Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien, ©2011: Material Type: Document, Internet resource: Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File: All Authors / Contributors: Stefanie Brandt

Marketinghandbuch Licensing: Brands und Lizenzthemen professionell vermarkten (German Edition) - Kindle edition by Stefanie Brandt. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.

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Marketinghandbuch Licensing: Brands und Lizenzthemen professionell vermarkten by Stefanie Brandt

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